

Una persona sin raíces no es persona. Algunos las tienen arraigadas en su día a día, otras no las demuestran tanto, y lamentablemente hay quienes las olvidan completamente (de ahí los individuos más pobres de alma).
Yo, como todos, tengo mis raíces. Las recuerdo. De vez en cuando las añoro porque hubo tiempos en que las viví mejor. Pero no las olvido, aunque haya gente que pueda creer lo contrario; no las olvido e incluso vivo cada día tratando de traerlas a mi.

Aunque tengo que reconocer, que por un tiempo creí que las había perdido.. Pero creo que así era mejor.

Hay que perderse para poder encontrarse, dicen.


Reactions from a First Time Viewer: Fringe (season 1)

Episode 1: Pilot.

I started watching Fringe a couple of years ago, but the truth is.. I only watched the first two episodes. I don't know why I didn't go on with that, but since then I knew I would have to, eventually, get the time to watch it.

From the Pilot episode I remembered lots of things, but there was something very important I didn't notice then ..  [ok, here comes the girly moment. I know I am a girl, but I don't have lots of this moments 'cause I find them really.. not for me] last night I was shocked when I saw Joshua Jackson again in the screen of my laptop. Oh gods, could he be any prettier? that guy drives me crazy. And it's all because of Dawson's Creek, most of all because I finished season 6 very recently (a little late, yeah) and the character of Pacey .. oh god.

Anyway, back to Fringe. I didn't remember who was the guy that played Peter Bishop but now that I already know him I just went crazy.

Also, have to say that I love the character of Dr. Bishop, and I know, he won't let me down. (well, I really hope so, because he's so cool and stuff).